l. Present:- Messrs. Robert Jones(Chairman). Stuart Hurst, Mrs Jenny Lees & M. N. Bown (Clerk)
5 parishioners were present.
2. Apologies: Apologies received from David Johnson and Graham Middleton.
3. Appointment of Chairman:- Mrs Stella Elliott (Past Chairman) took the chair and
asked for nominations. Bob Jones was reelected.
4. Appointment of Vice Chairman:- Mrs Jenny Lees was reelected.
5. Minutes of Meeting Held on 17th March 2009:-
These had been circulated and
were read and signed by the Chairman.
6. Matters Arising:-
a) Re:- Information Act. The clerk reported that he had asked advice from Local Councils Association and was told that it was sufficient for the Council to publish on the notice board that all information was available and where to obtain it. It was suggested that we should give an updated booklet, given out several years ago, giving information to every parishioner, to all new parishioners,
b) Speed of traffic :- Clerk reported that LCC had carried out a check in March and the results did not qualify for immediate assistance,
c) Ownership of frontage to 'Little India'. Information arrived after the meeting to say the frontage belonged to Highways, and therefore, parishioners had as much right to park there as Restaurant customers. They will inform "Little India'
d) Telephone kiosk on Lutterworth Road had been purchased for £1. Cost of light will add approx. £20 to Electricity bill but it would cost £250 to have it disconnected,
e) Blocks at field entrance, Haydn Evans had realigned them and removed one. f) Notice board and seat had been installed.
7. Appointment of Loseby Charity Trustees:- Mrs Jenny Lees and Stuart Hurst were
re elected.
8. Approve Accounts for 2008/9:- The accounts were discussed and approved and the
official returns were signed by the Chairman. The accounts were again initially
audited by Terry Emmony.
9. Change of Council insurance: It was agreed to transfer the insurance to
Community Consultation Ltd. a scheme backed by Zurich Insurance Ltd. with a
saving of approx. £50 net.
10. Planning Applications:-
(a) No 09/00303/FUL. Submitted by:- Mr M Pierce,
Gallops Farm, Welford Road, Arnesby. 'Erection of two storey side extension'. No
(b) No 09/00437/HED. Submitted by:- Mr Martin Maddern, Arnesby
Lodge Cottage, Welford Road Arnesby. ' Removal of hedgerow", Objections.
11. Signing Cheques:-
No 444 The Tree Fella. £345.0
No 445 E.On Maintenance £60.65.
No 446 BT (Kiosk) £1.00.
No 447 E On. Ltd Light Repair. £36.80.
448 Baptist Church (meetings 08/09.) £30.
12. To receive Questions from the floor for future reply :-
a) Questions were asked re
repairs to Bus shelter roof,
b) It was asked whether the occupants of Andulusian Stud
now had planning and if they paid rates . Clerk to investigate.
c) It was asked if the Council would enquire, if land soon to be
sold at 'Hall Farm' could be compulsably purchased for the use of the village.
Meeting Closed 8.34.